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About The Creator

Everheart is created by a solo-developer, DYLO Gaming, that's me! The inspiration for this project came from my wife, after asking her for a game idea. Typically, I am too ambitious with my projects, thus leaving them unfinished. So I asked my wife for the simplest game idea she could think of, and the rest is history!


Aside from making this game, I develop assets for the Unreal Marketplace and make videos on YouTube.

  • unreal logo_edited
  • Youtube

About The Game

As mentioned above, the conception of this stemmed from my wife. I asked her to give me an idea, and she said "make a game where you're a basket moving back and forth, and you're catching hearts or something." With that, I immediately was inspired and got to work. 


It was absolutely perfect in that it was very simple to build and gave a clear objective. I had a beginning, middle and end for the entire project all from a sentence. I also decided on making this game for mobile since it took the pressure off of feeling it needed to be perfect, and that there is a greater opportunity for people to discover it compared to working on a game for PC or consoles.


Although this isn't my passion project, I did put my heart into making this (yes, pun intended). I'm being completely truthful in saying I'm probably not going to work on this much more, as I want to make my own super-crazy game like every other game aspiring game developer.


That being said, if this game gets a lot of attention, and people reach out asking for updates, I'll be more than happy to continue working on it. In the end, I hope you find this game fun and enjoyable! :) 


I developed everything from the gameplay logic to the music, to the gripping storyline.


Huge shoutout to Penzilla for making the stylish UI!

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